Ignite’s custom BMS dashboard

A fully customised enterprise Building Management System dashboard to give you extraordinary levels of control and responsiveness across your entire estate.

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Ignite is proud to offer a fully customised enterprise Building Management System (BMS) dashboard as part of our energy efficiency services. Our BMS software allows enhanced remote monitoring and control of in-store and on-premises equipment to make sure you have the level of insight and control you need to keep energy consumption to a minimum.

Our expert team is experienced at rolling out BMS upgrades to multi-site organisations and unlocking data to inspire transformational change. With our custom BMS dashboard you can monitor and make changes across your entire portfolio from anywhere. You can implement estate-wide changes in an instant – this means our data-driven efficiency recommendations can become a reality in just minutes. And it’s not just these large scale changes – with our BMS you can adjust settings on a granular level, down to an individual air conditioning unit in a specific office or store.

Who is our BMS for?

If you are a large multi-site business with a desire to improve energy efficiency and cut costs then Ignite’s custom BMS dashboard is for you. With the click of a mouse you can enact energy saving measures at any scale across your business. When powered by Ignite’s data-first approach to energy management, this can immediately reduce energy costs as well as helping make your sustainability goals a reality.

If you have sites without an existing BMS and believe the potential cost savings don’t justify the investment of a full system, then our innovative Cloud-BMS remote A/C control is a highly cost-effective solution that provides instant control over air conditioning units.

BMS Upgrades – Existing Building Management Systems & Integration

Large businesses use a variety of building management systems – some old, some new. It may be that you have BMS from different manufacturers across your estate or that you don’t have a BMS installed at all. From experience, we know that many large organisations are struggling with outdated BMS. With less control and less visibility, these systems are often not fit for purpose given how much and how quickly things can change in-store /on-site. Whatever your situation, Ignite can help.

Where BMS is not installed or requires an upgrade, we are experienced in specifying, tendering and installing systems across hundreds of sites in short timeframes. We can also work with your existing BMS, tailoring our powerful BMS software to your precise situation.

What can BMS monitor and control?

BMS allows you to monitor and control the mechanical, electrical and electromechanical services across your estate. This includes:

  • Heating, Ventilation & Air-conditioning (HVAC)
  • Lighting
  • Signage
  • Alarms

Benefits of BMS

The importance of a building management system is paramount to future-focussed businesses. When you combine the far-reaching benefits of BMS with the customised power of our bespoke dashboard, you will be amazed at what you can achieve.

With remote monitoring and incredible levels of control, large companies can use BMS to get the insights they need to reduce energy costs, complete reporting and move towards a more sustainable future.

Based on your organisation’s needs, we can implement various control elements such as specific setpoints for gas heating to balance comfort with energy saving measures. We can also set controls and targets around different time periods of your locations. For retail, this can be around Trading, Replen, and Closed with different targets for each period. We can also create custom alarms for each store, so our dedicated support team can spot and rectify energy wastage efficiently.

Your energy team will be able to view, control and optimise on-site assets such as Air Conditioning, Lighting and Heating along with gaining powerful insights from a whole range of data. BMS allows you to unlock energy savings and other benefits in quick time.

Monitoring Benefits

  • maintenance condition monitoring – spot issues before it’s noticed on site
  • monitoring other systems
  • report generation

Control Benefits

  • Demand reduction
    Reduce demand during more expensive times to reduce cost per unit as well as targeting consumption.
  • Reducing consumption
    Provides a level of visibility of onsite assets that allows you to identify energy saving opportunities, and be aware of any consumption issues immediately.
  • Cost cutting
    Make and implement data-driven decisions around equipment functions on a site-specific or estate-wide level to deliver cost savings
  • Quick changes estate-wide
    Once you have a list of estate-wide actions, BMS can make it a reality immediately
  • Sustainability
    BMS allows you to monitor and control energy wastage across your entire portfolio. Your energy team can remotely control lighting, heating, air conditioning – changing parameters effortlessly. If you’re a sustainability-focused energy manager, then BMS allows you to spot efficiency issues in the data and then cross-reference with what’s actually happening on site and take appropriate and immediate action. As an example, you may decide to switch off lighting after a certain time of day based on office hours. A supercharged BMS makes energy reporting, compliance, and Net Zero strategies much more efficient.
  • Spot & Fix equipment issues quickly
    Spot equipment malfunction and failure quickly, so that you can send out engineers to fix issues and only when necessary.

Benefits of Ignite’s custom BMS

With Ignite’s custom BMS dashboard, you benefit from our market-leading building management system software, tailored to your needs:

  • Integrates with your existing equipment
    Open & stand-alone, our BMS dashboard works across different manufacturers’ equipment. This means it can work with what you already have on site and can be used to integrate different equipment across your estate.
  • Bespoke
    Tailored to your business needs and providing the information that is most relevant to you. See Pets at Home case study where we carried out changes to their BMS across their 420+ sites using a custom-developed platform called PAWS. We also used this system to monitor and adhere to pet welfare temperature guidelines, ensuring optimum efficiency whilst protecting the pets they keep in store.
  • Customer-owned
    You own the BMS software so there is no annual subscription fee for software licences.
  • Outstanding support
    We operate a service desk to deal with any issues, queries and changes to BMS systems across client sites including service engineers who are used for site visits where required.
  • Data
    Customised dashboards highlight the metrics that matter so you can see exactly how your estate is consuming energy. You can monitor and analyse data on  national and regional level right down to the status of specific air conditioning and heating units at a site. Data can be used to incentivise managers to reduce their energy consumption without any capital investment too.

BMS installation & integrating Ignite’s BMS dashboard

We understand that you may be running various systems and from different manufacturers across your estate. Rest assured, our enterprise management system is open, stand-alone and works across different manufacturers’ equipment. This means it can work with what you already have on site and can be used to integrate different equipment across your estate.

We also have an extensive partner base for site callouts, and a project operation which delivers several hundred successful BMS installations per year for our project clients. Get in contact today and we can discuss the next steps.

Ignite – your energy management partner

By partnering with Ignite, you will benefit from our end-to-end energy management service. Our experts run reports and analyse your data, gaining valuable insights into your energy consumption. This feeds into actions you can execute via the BMS as well as forecasting, procurement strategies and energy efficiency projects. With Ignite, you will maximise the benefits of BMS, getting the data and control most relevant to you. Contact us today.

Email us: enquiries@igniteenergy.co.uk

Call us: 0333 023 2222.

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