
"Ignite Energy is 10 years old image

Ignite Energy turns 10 years old

Ignite Energy is 10 years old today! We’ve been on an incredible journey over the last decade, and this year has been our biggest and most successful yet. So today, we celebrate the business that has become a market leader in energy management for large businesses across the UK and beyond. 

Since Ignite Energy began in 2009, we’ve helped more and more businesses take control of their energy costs and usage. We’ve employed innovative technologies that have achieved huge savings in both energy consumption and carbon emissions.

As we move into our second decade, we’re excited to carry on helping businesses make significant savings on their energy spend. 

Exciting business growth

Over the last 10 years, we have steadily added a range of companies to our client base, many of whom are household names and FTSE constituents. To manage this work, our team has grown from a handful of people to over 60 dedicated and talented energy management specialists – and we’re still growing! 

However, despite our significant growth, our values remain the same. Over the last decade, our ethos has been to provide reliable, effective and innovative energy-saving solutions…And we’re still doing that to this day. 

We’ve built on our reputation for being one of the UK’s leading energy management companies for some of the biggest businesses across the UK and beyond. In fact, we still work with our first customers – not a single full-service client has left us in our 10 years in business. 

We’re proud to say that our client roster still includes:

Experts in energy management for large businesses 

Some of the biggest businesses in the UK trust us to help them save on their energy spending – here’s why:  

TransparencyHonesty and transparency are core aspects of our business values. We understand that trust is a crucial factor when someone is managing energy on your behalf. 

Customer service – Our account managers aren’t overloaded with clients. This allows them to be responsive and proactive on their client’s behalf. All of our account managers have extensive experience across a wide range of industries. As a result, they understand the challenges, problems and pressures different businesses face. 

Our account managers collaborate with a team of energy management specialists to deliver innovative and cost-effective energy-saving solutions. As a result, our clients benefit from a wealth of expertise drawn from decades of on-the-ground experience.  

Wide range of services – We pride ourselves on providing total end-to-end energy management solutions to a huge variety of businesses. These services include:

We understand that every client is different. That’s why everything we do is fully customisable to fit the unique requirements of your business. You can find out more about our tendering for energy management services.

Energy-saving with Ignite Energy

As a team of multi-disciplined energy experts, we have decades of experience in energy management, both in supply management and demand reduction programmes. This ensures we deliver sustainable and repeatable energy and cost reduction solutions for businesses time and time again. 

We’re experts in energy management for large businesses.

Call us today to learn more about how Ignite Energy could help your business save money on your energy spend.

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